Fiumicino – Great success for first aid courses
Fiumicino – Great success for first aid courses
They are called First aid courses. Simple gestures that can change the course of an existence and save a life. The Association Grow up together, In collaboration with the Italian Red Cross, has re -proposed a series of lessons over the weekend.
“This time – explains the president of the growth association together, Roberto Severini – It was a real individual course At the end of which a certificate of participation signed by the Red Cross. We started this collaboration a long time ago by organizing demonstration lessons. Now we have climbed a great and made of the courses. The next goal?
Sensitize institutions on the need to reopen the CRI station in Palidoro and to train school staff.“
“The course? We had many requests and so we organized A two days that has been successful. Every week – underlines Severini – many people die due to lack of timely rescue. With this course we wanted to give anyone the opportunity to learn simple techniques that can be vital. It went beyond what was the protocol of unblocking maneuvers, touching important themes such as Hemorrhages, burns and crisis phenomena, from that linked to epilepsy, up to convulsions in pediatric age.
We also decided by mutual agreement, to organize and repeat personal courses of theory and practice on the first aid protocol up to‘Use of the defibrillator. Timeliness, by now it is known, is fundamental and at least one person in every family must possess basic knowledge to be able to intervene immediately when the opportunity arises. I thank All the participants in the course, the manager Stefano Salvinelli and all operators of the Italian Red Cross for their availability.
I invite all citizens of the north of the Municipality of Fiumicino to participate in these courses that we will repeat periodically and the various blood donations that we will organize. All this to bring the Italian Red Cross even to the north of our municipality, too often abandoned.“