Formia – Inauguration of the new helipad, Zingaretti “Things are changing for the better”
Formia – New helipad inaugurated, Zingaretti: “Things are changing for the better”
“It is the demonstration that, even in difficult moments, things change and change for the better”. Thus the governor of Lazio Nicola Zingaretti, present this morning at the inauguration of the new Formia helipad built by the Region on Formia-Sparanise, in the former Enaoli area. The ribbon cutting was also attended by the Prefect of Latina Pierluigi Faloni, the Chief of Police Giuseppe De Matteis, the provincial and local representatives of the Carabinieri, Police, Guardia di Finanza and Guardia Costiera, the Director General of the ASL of Latina Michele Caporossi and, naturally, the Mayor Sandro Bartolomeo, accompanied by a large group of Councilors and municipal councilors and by the volunteers of the local Civil Protection.
The plant, authorized for use by the National Civil Aviation Authority, will start operating tomorrow, Saturday 31 October, according to the management methods defined by the memorandum of understanding signed this morning by Mayor Bartolomeo, by the representatives of Ares 118, “Elitaniana spa” (current manager of the helicopter rescue service) and by the technical manager. Included in the regional network of helipads, the structure will be used for the regional helicopter rescue service.
“It is a commitment kept – he commented Zingaretti -. A plant that enhances the healthcare offer of the southern Pontine area, reducing transport times in the event of an emergency and favoring the appropriateness of the treatment. The Elisuperficie will guarantee the connection of the Ponzian islands to the Formia hospital and a rapid transport of patients of this area in the Latina hospitals (reachable in 10 minutes) and Rome (route: 25 minutes). This will guarantee a considerable contraction of the intervention times and the possibility of taking advantage of appropriate care in hospital facilities that provide the best services in relation to the type of pathology. It will not be an island in the desert – the governor guaranteed -. We are worlding over 200 points of the Lazio territory that can be used for the helicopter rescue service precisely to improve the safety of this territory.
A good result for a region that, among many problems, has been leaving for years of commissioner. We wanted to give signs, such as the release of the turnover which is no longer limited to 10%. First every 100 health workers who came out of them returned to a maximum of 10. With the work we did, this number took triple “.
Interventions also on the Formia hospital network. “We have enhanced hemodynamics and cardiology – underlines Zingaretti – and purchased a new magnetic resonance imaging. The road is still long but the season of cuts and steps back can finally be said to be “.
“Let’s start seeing positive signals – is the mayor’s comment Sandro Bartolomeo -. I am convinced that the new course launched by the Zingaretti junta will lead in the coming years to overcoming the difficulties that weigh on the Lazio health system. The Formia hospital has already benefited from some interventions. I think of the effort to enhance cardiology and hemodynamics. The inauguration this morning of Elisuperfracy demonstrates the particular attention that the Region reserves the emergency sector. There are other open issues, which we slowly hope to face.
Perspectives? I talked about it a little while ago with the president. Regional programming can finally put the Gulf Polyclinic on site. This is the area where the hospital will have to be built. The heliport will be a structure connected to the new hospital.
We are confident that, with the new regional programming, this problem can finally be tackled and resolved”.