Latium Region – Health extraordinary campaign for sange collection 18 associations in the field in August
Latium region – Health, extraordinary campaign to collect sange, 18 associations in the field in August
"For eighteen blood donor associations, August will be the time for an extraordinary collection aimed at significantly implementing the availability of plasma in the regional health care system. The initiative is coordinated with the Regional Blood Center of Lazio of which a new manager was appointed a few days ago and who has been promoting the meeting with all the associations. Eighteen responded to the appeal: the regional Avis, which in the coming days will activate all the branches spread in many municipalities of Lazio, the Avis of Rome, and the Provincial Avis, the EmaRoma Association, Adspem, Ematos- Fidas, the Opedale Grassi Donor Association of Ostia, and the Blood Runner Association.
The Network for All, EMA Friends of Nino Manfredi, Friends of Campus Biomedico University, Ptv Association, Advs Op Bambin Gesù, Roma Est Policlinico Casilino and Pertini Hospital Association, Carla Sandri Association, Advsp, Rome Provincial Red Cross Lazio Regional Committee. Today in the Lazio region, compared to the needs, 30 thousand bags of blood are missing. This figure, in addition to producing significant organizational problems in ensuring the necessary supply, also involves a significant annual financial commitment of six million euros that are spent to purchase the missing bags in other regions.
It was decided to periodically convene a table with the associations since they are an essential element in ensuring blood collection".